Simple Version¶
- CRUD Generator
- Support more than 15 column types of migrations, like
string, char, date, year
, etc. - Datatables (Yajra Datatables)
- One To Many (Inverse) / Belongs To
- Model casting
- Image upload (Intervention Image)
- Support HTML 5 Input
- Request validations supported:
required, in, image, min, max, string, email, number, date, exists, nullable, unique, confirmed
- Support more than 15 column types of migrations, like
Full Version¶
- CRUD Generator
- Configurable sidebar menus
- CRUD User
- Roles and permissions (Spatie Permission)
- Authentication (Laravel Fortify)
- Login
- Register
- Forgot Password
- 2FA Authentication
- Update profile information
Available Commands¶
Install The Generator¶
Install Generator Variants (Simple/Full Version)
For simple version
php artisan generator:install simple
For full version
php artisan generator:install full
Warning! That will overwrite several files, so use caution while using this command and avoid using it more than once.
Set the sidebar menu¶
Set the sidebar menu to fully blade code (static) or use a list from config (dynamic)
Sidebar configuration place in config/generator.php
php artisan generator:sidebar dynamic
While using static sidebar menu, you feel free to edit the sidebar menus on resources/views/layouts/sidebar.blade.php
php artisan generator:sidebar static
After you create a new module using the generator, sidebar will automatically comeback to set dynamic
Check sidebar active menus¶
is_active_menu(string|array $menu): boolean;
Utility class¶
All utility functions that you maybe need, are available in App\Generators\GeneratorUtils
use App\Generators\GeneratorUtils;
* Get template/file.
public static function getTemplate(string $path): string;
* Get published files.
public static function getPublishedFiles(string $path): string;
* Check folder if not exist, then make folder.
public static function checkFolder(string $path): void;
* Convert string to singular pascal case.
public static function singularPascalCase(string $string): string;
* Convert string to singular pascal case.
public static function pascalCase(string $string): string;
* Convert string to plural pascal case.
public static function pluralPascalCase(string $string): string;
* Convert string to plural snake case.
public static function pluralSnakeCase(string $string): string;
* Convert string to singular snake case.
public static function singularSnakeCase(string $string): string;
* Convert string to plural pascal case.
public static function pluralCamelCase(string $string): string;
* Convert string to singular pascal case.
public static function singularCamelCase(string $string): string;
* Convert string to plural, kebab case, and lowercase.
public static function pluralKebabCase(string $string): string;
* Convert string to kebab case, and lowercase.
public static function kebabCase(string $string): string;
* Convert string to singular, kebab case, and lowercase.
public static function singularKebabCase(string $string): string;
* Convert string to singular, remove special characters, and lowercase.
public static function cleanSingularLowerCase(string $string): string;
* Remove special characters, and lowercase.
public static function cleanLowerCase(string $string): string;
* Convert string to plural, remove special characters, and uppercase every first letters.
public static function cleanPluralUcWords(string $string): string;
* Convert string to singular, remove special characters, and uppercase every first letters.
public static function cleanSingularUcWords(string $string): string;
* Remove special characters, and uppercase every first letters.
public static function cleanUcWords(string $string): string;
* Convert string to plural, remove special characters, and lowercase.
public static function cleanPluralLowerCase(string $string): string;
* Get 1 column after id on the table.
public static function getColumnAfterId(string $table): string;
* Select id and column after id on the table.
public static function selectColumnAfterIdAndIdItself(string $table): string;
* Get model location or path if contains '/'.
public static function getModelLocation(string $model): string;
* Converts camelCase string to have spaces between each.
public static function fromCamelCase(string $string): string;
* Set model name from the latest of array(if exists).
public static function setModelName(string $model, string $style = 'pascal case'): string;
* Set default image and code to controller.
public static function setDefaultImage(null|string $default, string $field, string $model): array;
* Convert array from config to string like array.
public static function convertArraySidebarToString(array $sidebars): string;
* Check if menu is active.
public static function isActiveMenu(string|array $route): string;
Things that we want to add in the future¶
- API CRUD generator
- API docs
- Can create more relation type
- Upload file except image
- CRUD with desain pattern(Service/Repository Pattern)
- Laravel table pagination
- Import/Export csv
- Input for custom table name
- Change request validation as an array
- Add a checkbox for whether to use route model binding or not
- Add a checkbox to turn off automatic pluralization
- If the time zone is set to Indonesia, then disable pluralization
- Add username to users table
- New template admin
- Option to auto migrate table or not
- Add config for showing an image in the data table or not
- ability to hide/show the field on the view page
- Configuration to limit showing fields in the index page
- Can select the field that will be showing in belongsTo the relation
- The generator can make seeder and factory
- Add default config for minimum & maximum length to column type string
- The generator can make subfolders for request class validation
- Add configuration for image type rounded or square
- Add support for diffForHumans() to input type date.
- Can custom validation(write-in input)
- The generator can use caching
- The generator can create policy
- The generator can create model observer
- Use database transaction
- The generator can create mutator & casting
- Configuration for upload file to S3
- Add soft delete option
- If the model is in a subfolder then the route will use the sub-route
- Add unit test for the generator
- The generator can create unit test
- Add notification if the user changed their email or password (package)
- Add activity log (package)
- Add backup database (package)
- The Generator uses enum class for column type enum
- Refactor code
The list is subject to change at any time and features may be added in any order.